2015 Colorado Volleyball Tournaments
2015 Tournaments will be added as dates are confirmed.
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January 3, 2015: Queen of the Beach #4 @ The Oasis. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm), Qualifier (5pm). www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
January 10, 2015: King of the Beach Series #4 @ The Oasis. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm), Qualifier (5pm). www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
January 17-23, 2015: 20th Annual SOB Volleyball Vacation, Ixtapa Mexico. For more information visit www.SOBVolleyballVacations.com.
January 17, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs @ The Oasis 9 AM Start, 35 team cap, $60 per team Click Here To Register.
January 24, 2015: Winter Rotating Pairs Tournament @ The Island, Denver, CO. Presented by Compassion Freedom Fund. $30 per player, upper & lower divisions, 8:45am check-in, 9:30am start. Click here to register.
January 31, 2015: Coed 4x4 Cash Tournament @ The Oasis, 8 AM Start, 28 team cap, $120 per team. Click here to register.
January 31, 2015: Women's Rotating Pairs Tournament @ The Oasis, 6pm Start, 28 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
February 7, 2015: Queen of the Beach Series #5 @ The Oasis. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm) Qualifier 5pm. www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
February 14, 2015: King of the Beach Series #5 @ The Island. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm) Qualifier 5pm. www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
February 14, 2015: Women's Rotating Pairs @ The Oasis, 9am start, 28 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
February 20, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs @ The Island, 6pm start, 30 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
February 21, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs @ The Island, 10am start, 30 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
February 21, 2015: Women's A 2x2 @ The Oasis, 10am start, 12 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
February 21, 2015: Men's A 2x2 @ The Oasis, 10am start, 10 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
March 14, 2015: Queen of the Beach Series #6 @ The Oasis. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm) Qualifier 5pm. www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
March 20, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs @ The Island, 6pm start, 30 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
March 21, 2015: King of the Beach Series #6 @ The Oasis. Main draw (8am and 12:30pm) Qualifier 5pm. www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com.
March 28, 2015: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Coed Rotating Pairs Tournaments, 8am (sold out) 2pm (sold out) @ The Island, 3pm @ The Oasis, $70 http://www.sportsoasis.com/Tourneys.html or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
March 28, 2015: Coed A/BB 2x2 @ The Oasis, 9am Start, 22 team cap, $60 per team. Click here to register.
April 11-18, 2015: 21st Annual SOB Volleyball Vacation, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. For more information visit www.SobVolleyballVacations.com.
April 26, 2015: The 6th Annual "Zebra" Volleyball Tournament @ Butler Hancock Sports Pavilion, Greeley, CO. $30 per person. Women's 6's Coed 6's/Coed 4's. 7:30am check-in, 8:30am Start. Proceeds will go to Olooloitkosh Girls Rescue in Kenya. To register click here.
May 1-3, 2015: Sandia Mountain Volleyball Classic @ Stoneface Courts & Tavern, Albuquerque, NM. Pricing based on Division. Men's/Women's/Reverse-Coed Open/A. For Tournament schedule, check-in times & to register visit sandiamountainvolleyballclassic.com
May 2, 2015: Men's & Women's Doubles Tournament @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton, CO. $20 per player, AA/A/BB 8:30am check-in. To register contact Chris @ 720-468-7556.
May 9, 2015: 3rd Annual Volley for Kid's Sake Coed Rotating Pairs Tournament @ Garland Park, Denver, CO. $60 per team, 8:30am check-in, 9am start. Tournament supporting Big Brother Big Sisters. To register click here.
May 9, 2015: Women's Doubles Grass Tournament, Observatory Park, 9:45am. All Levels of Play. Click here for more information.
May 15-16, 2015: 21st Annual Lobsterpolluza Coed Rotating Pairs Tournament, Sand Friday at The Oasis, Grass Saturday Lakewood Park, tourney benefits Angel Eyes. For all the info go to lobsterpolluza.org/.
May 16, 2015: At the Peak Doubles Tournament @ Clement Park, Littleton, CO. $70 per adult team, $50 per junior's team. Mens/Womens/Coed, Juniors 18U/16U/14U/12U/10U. 8:30am start. To register visit www.abcsportscamps.com/atpvolleyball
May 16, 2015: Klussmann King of the Beach Volleyball Tournament @ Chippers Lanes, Fort Collins, CO. $35 per team, only 32 spots. 7:45am check-in, 8am start. To register email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May 23-24, 2015: Beach Bash 2x2 Sand Open Divisions @ The Island. Denver CO. www.BeachBashDoubles.com.
May 24, 2015: Beach Bash 2x2 Dino 80 @ The Island, Denver CO. www.BeachBashDoubles.com.
May 25, 2015: Apex Volleyball Tournament @ Youth Memorial Sports Complex, Arvada, CO. $50 per team. Men's/Women's/Coed Open 2x2 & 4x4. 7:30am check-in, 8am start. To register visit teamsideline.com/apex
May 25, 2015: Grass Doubles Volleyball Tournament @ Monument Valley Park, Colorado Springs, CO. $30 per team. Coed A/B Juniors 18U/16U/14U/12U. 7:30am start. To register click here.
May 30, 2015: Men's/Women's Doubles Tournament, AA/A/BB @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton, CO. $20 per player, 8:30am check-in. To register contact Chris @ 720-468-7556.
May 30, 2015: 9th Annual Fun in the Sun Doubles Tournament @ Dirks Soccer Field, Ft. Lewis College Campus, Durango, CO. $50 per team. 8:00am or 8:30am check-in (based on division). To register email Kelley @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June 6, 2015: Beach Bash 2x2 Grass @ Washington Park, Denver, CO. AA/A/BB/B Men/Women/Coed & Juniors (16u, 14u, 12u) Divisions. check-in and start times TBD. Prices vary per division, for more information and to register visit www.BeachBashDoubles.com.
June 6, 2015: Mike Miller Memorial Doubles Tournament @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton, CO. $30 per player. 7:30am check-in. To Register contact Mike Doucette @ 303-999-8893 or Chris @ 720-468-7556.
June 7, 2015: The Diff Doubles Volleyball Tournament @ Dewey Strong Park, Brighton, CO. $60 per team, $70 for walk ups. Womens/Mens/Coed Juniors 12U/14U/16U/18U 7:15am check-in, 8am start. To register visit www.thediffvolleyball.com
June 13, 2015: Metropolitan State University of Denver Grass Doubles Volleyball Tournament @ The Auraria Sports Fields, Denver, CO. $60 for adults, $50 for juniors. Mens/Womens/Coed A/BB/B Junior Girls 18u/16u/14u. 7:30am check-in. To register click here.
June 14, 2015: C.V.C.'s "ShinDig" Sand and Grass Volleyball Tournament @ Lakewood Park, Lakewood, CO. $40 per player. Coed A Sand Doubles/Grass Coed A 4's/Coed BB 4's/ Coed B 6's. Check in 7:30-8:30 (breakfast provided) Includes T-Shirt. Benifits the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. To register visit www.coloradovolleyballconnection.com
June 15, 2015: SASE (Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers) 4x4 Volleyball Tournament and Fundraiser. 9:00am @ Westfield Village Park, 115th Av & Wolff St Westminster CO 80031. $60 per team. Competitive & Recreational Divisions. To register visit http://saseconnect.org/coloradopro/volleyball.html
June 19-21, 2015: 43rd Annual Vail King of the Mountain Open @ Vail, CO. 3-Time Olympic Champion Misty May's "Dream in Gold" volleyball clinic. Junior Girls 12's, 14's, 16's, 18's; Collegiate Men's/Women's Open; Men's/Women's Open, A, BB, B; Co-Ed A, BB, B; Men's Masters 35-over/45-over; Women's 35-over; Father/Son 12's, 14's, 16's, 18's; Father/Daughter 12's, 14's, 16's, 18's. To Register visit www.kingofthemountainvolleyball.com
June 21, 2015: 2nd Annual Try Love Grass Doubles Tournament @ Northwest Open Space, Northglenn, CO. $60 per team, 12U/14U/16U Women's/Men's/Coed A,BB,B. Check-in time 7:30am. To register visit trylove.co
June 27, 2015: Coed Grass 6x6 Spring Challenge, $150 Lowry Sports Complex, 8am. 8-16 games. Lunch/Beverages Provided. To register go to www.VOTR.com.
June 27, 2015: 6th Annual Spiketacular Volleyball Tournament @ Lakewood Park, Lakewood, CO. $70 for sand open, $60 for grass. Mens/Womens/Coed A/BB. 8am start time. To register visit www.lakewood.org/volleyballleagues or call Kyle at 303-987-4804
June 27, 2015: Elite 10 Women @ Gibby's, Elite 10 Men @ Old Man, Open 2x2 Level. To register contact Chris 720-468-7556
June 28, 2015: Coed Grass 4x4 Spring Challenge, $120 Lowry Sports Complex, 8am. 8-16 games. Lunch/Beverages Provided. To register go to www.VOTR.com.
June 26-28, 2015: 4th Annual CSU MCVC Tournament @ Colorado State University Intramural Fields. Open sand doubles Mens/Womens/Coed, grass doubles Mens/Womens/Coed/Juniors & Coed 4's. For pricing info, check-in & start times click here.
June 27-28, 2015: Longmont Volleyball Classic Doubles Grass Tournament @ Roosevelt Park Pavilion, Longmont, CO. $55 for adult teams, $45 for Juniors. Mens/Womens/Coed A/BB/B/C, Juniors 18u/16u/14u/12u. 8am check-in. To register visit lvc.pyxismedia.org
July 4th, 2015: Earn Your Independence 4's Volleyball Tournament @ Boulder Reservoir, Boulder, CO. $35 per player. 10am Check-in. To register Click Here
July 10-12, 2015: 34th Annual Steamboat Doubles Tournament Steamboat Springs, CO. Divisions: Open/AA/A/BB/B. Mens/Womens/Coed & Juniors. 550+ Teams. Check-in and start times TBD. Prices vary per division, for more information and to register visit www.SteamboatDoubles.com.
July 12, 2015: 1st Annual Grandview Summer Slam 3x3 Grass Volleyball Tournament @ Grandview High School, Aurora, CO. $75 per team, Adult Coed/Junior Girls U18/U16/U14. 7:15am check-in, 8am start. To register visit www.summerslamvb.com
July 18, 2015: Mile High Reverse Coed & Juniors Tournament @ Washington Park, Denver, CO. A/BB/B, Girls/Boys Juniors 2x2. Check-in and start times TBD. For more information and to register visit www.MileHiReverseCoed.com.
July 18, 2015: Doubles Tournament @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton, CO. $20 per person. AA/A/BB 8:30am check-in. To register call Chris @ 720-468-7556.
July 26, 2015: Fun-In-the-Sun Adult Volleyball Tournament @ Lakewood Park, Lakewood, CO. $70 for sand open, $60 for grass. Mens/Womens/Coed A/BB. 8am start time. To register visit www.lakewood.org/volleyballleagues or call Kyle at 303-987-4804
July 24-26, 2015: 3rd Annual Snowmass Doubles Tournament Snowmass Village, CO. Open sand Mens/Womens/Coed. Grass Mens/Womens/Coed AA/A/BB/B. Check-in and start times TBD. Prices vary per division, for more information and to register visit www.SnowmassDoubles.com
August 1, 2015: 32nd Annual March of Dimes MUDD Volleyball Tournament @ Majestic Commercenter, Aurora, CO. $50 per person. 8-12 players per team. 8am check-in 9am start. To register Click Here.
August 1, 2015: The EDGE Volleyball Club's 3rd Annual Parent/Daughter/Son Doubles Tournament @ Schaefer Park, Lakewood, CO. $50 per team (includes lunch) To register or to find more info visit theedgevc.com
August 7-9, 2015: 25th Annual Breckenridge Doubles Tournament Breckenridge, CO. Divisions: Open/AA/A/BB/B. Mens/Womens/Coed. 550+ Teams. Check-in and start times TBD. For more information and to register visit www.BreckenridgeDoubles.com.
August 8-9, 2015: C.V.C.'s "ShinDig" Sand and Grass Volleyball Tournament @ Lakewood Park, Lakewood, CO. $40 per player. Sat: Coed Rec 6's/Coed A 4's/Coed BB 4's/ Coed B 6's. Sun: Coed A 2's/Women's A 4's/Women's BB 4's/ Men's A 4's/ Men's BB 4's. Check-in 7:30 -8:30 (breakfast provided) T-Shirt included. To register visit www.coloradovolleyballconnections.com
August 15, 2015: Queen of the Beach Tournament @ Rainbow Park, Silverthorne CO. $40 entry fee. A & BB players. 20 Spots. To register call 970-262-7370 or www.Silverthorne.org.
August 15, 2015: 8th Annual Tim Weiand Memorial Volleyball Tournament @ Lakewood Park, Lakewood, CO. $70 for sand open, $60 for grass. Mens/Womens/Coed A/BB. 8am start time. To register visit www.lakewood.org/volleyballleagues or call Kyle at 303-987-4804.
August 16, 2015: King of the Beach Tournament @ Rainbow Park, Silverthorne CO. $40 entry fee. A & BB players. 20 Spots. To register call 970-262-7370 or www.Silverthorne.org.
August 22, 2015: Colorado Pro Championship Doubles @ AMF/Shooter, Thornton, CO. $30 per player. 7:30am check-in. To register contact Mike @ 303-999-8893 or Chris @ 720-468-7556.
August 28-30, 2015: 8th Annual Oasis Classic Doubles Tournament @ The Oasis; ALL divisions are in the SAND - Men's & Women's Open $90 per team, Men's A, Women's A/BB, Coed A/BB, Men's BB/B & Women's Rotating Pairs $70 per team. Check in times vary per division, for more information and to register visit www.OasisClassic.com
September 2-7, 2015: 43rd Annual MotherLode Volleyball Classic @ Aspen, CO. 20 Divisions: Men's and Women's Open, A, BB, B; Co-Ed Open, A, BB, B; Reverse Co-Ed A, B; MotherLode Masters DiG Magazine National Championships Men's 60's, 55's, 50's, 45's, 37-over; Women's 45's, 35-over. To register visit www.motherlodevolleyball.com
September 5-7, 2015: Apex's "Sunset Blast" Volleyball Tournament @ Harold Lutz Sports Complex Fields 7 & 8, Arvada, CO. $60 per team. Coed 2x2 A/BB/B Sept 5. Men's/Women's 2x2 A/BB/B Sept 6. Coed 4x4, Parent/Child A/BB/B Sept 7. 7:30am check-in, 8am start. To register visit teamsideline.com/apex
September 7, 2015: Colorado Pro Championship Doubles @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton , CO. $30 per player. 7:30am check-in. To register call Mike @ 303-999-8893 or Chris @ 720-468-7556.
September 12th, 2015: Coed Grass 6x6 Spring Challenge, $150 Lowry Sports Complex, 8am. 8-16 games. Lunch/Beverages Provided. To register go to www.VOTR.com.
September 12, 2015: Doubles Tournament @ AMF/Shooters, Thornton, CO. $20 per player. $20 per player. AA/A/BB 8:30am check-in. To register call Chris @ 720-468-7556.
September 13th, 2015: Coed Grass 4x4 Spring Challenge, $120 Lowry Sports Complex, 8am. 8-16 games. Lunch/Beverages Provided. To register go to www.VOTR.com.
September 26, 2015: 8th Annual Coed Rotating Pairs Oasis Luau @ Oasis Volleyball, $70 per team, 8:45am Check In & 3:15pm Check In. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
October 03, 2015: 16th Annual Bonedigger Tournament. King/Queen of the Beach format, sign up as an individual. $55 per player. @ Westlands Park 9:00 AM Start, 80 team cap. Click here for Website.
October 10, 2015: Coed 6x6 ($100) & 4x4 Fall Challenge ($80), Washington Park, 9am. 8-16 Games. Lunch/Beverages Provided. To register go to www.votr.com
October 17, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs Tournaments, The Island Denver CO. 8-11 Games. TWO shifts 9am OR 3pm. AA/A/BB/B Levels Welcome. $60 per team.To Register Click Here or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
October 31, 2015: Coed 4x4 Costumes & Cocktails CASH PRIZE Tournament @ The Oasis, 8:30 AM Start, 28 team cap, $120 per team. Click here for Registration Form.
November 7th, 2015: Queen of the Beach #2 @ The Oasis www.coloradowinterbeachseries.com.
November 14th, 2015: King of the Beach #2 @ The Oasis www.coloradowinterbeachseries.com.
November 14 - 21, 2015: 7th Annual Puerto Vallarta Volleyball Vacation w AVP Pros www.SOBVolleyballVacations.com.
November 14 - 15, 2015: 16th Annual Junior High School Volleyball Championships @ Ft. Morgan High School, Ft. Morgan, CO. $300 per team, pool play both days, players must be 8th grade or younger. To register call Brian Grennan at 970-380-4806.
November 21, 2015: Women's A/BB 2x2 Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 8:45am Check In, 22 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
November 21, 2015: Men's A/BB 2x2 Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 3:45pm Check In, 22 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
November 27, 2015: 7th Annual Coed Rotating Pairs "Turkey" Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $70 per team, 11:45am Check In, 28 team cap, & 6:00pm Check In, 35 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 5th, 2015: Queen of the Beach #3 @ The Oasis www.coloradowinterbeachseries.com.
December 12th, 2015: King of the Beach #3 @ The Oasis www.coloradowinterbeachseries.com.
December 21, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Ugly Sweater" Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 5:45pm Check In. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 22, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Solstice Soiree" Tournament @ The Island, $60 per team, 6pm Start. Click here to register ONLINE Click Here to download a PDF
December 23, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Nightmare Before Christmas" Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 5:45pm Check In, 35 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 27, 2015: Coed A/BB 2x2 Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 9:45am Check In, 22 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 28, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "FROZEN" Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 5:45pm Check In, 35 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 28, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "The Bourbon in your Eggnog" Tournament @ The Island, $60 per team, 6pm Start. Click Here to register ONLINE Click here to download a PDF
December 29, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Nearly New Year" Tournament @ Oasis Volleyball, $60 per team, 5:45pm Check In, 35 team cap. To Register go to www.SportsOasis.com/tourneys.html
December 29, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Baby, It's Cold Outside" Tournament @ The Island, $60 per team, 6pm Start. Click Here to register ONLINE Click here to download a PDF.
December 30, 2015: Coed Rotating Pairs "Going to Work Out More in 2016" Tournament @ The Island, $60 per team, 6pm Start. Click Here to Register ONLINE Click here to register.
January 2016
January 16-23, 2016: 22nd Annual SOB Volleyball Vacation, Ixtapa Mexico. www.SOBVolleyballVacations.com.
See You Next Year!